I just answered a post about mental health issues yesterday and felt the need to put it together and share it with you
Causes of Mental Health Problems :
The causes of mental health problems can be divided into genetic factors and acquired factors. Genetic factors mainly refer to individuals who are genetically less capable of bearing stress than normal people, and therefore have a greater chance of developing mental illness. Acquired factors are more complex, some are psychological, such as anxiety, insomnia, social fear, etc.; some are objective helplessness, such as a person repeatedly in an unpleasant and uncontrollable situation will lose motivation, accompanied by a sense of helplessness and depression; some are social, such as career failure, family conflict, inability to integrate into social circles, etc.; some are Some of them are social in nature, such as career problems, family conflicts, inability to integrate into social circles, etc.; some are physiological in nature, such as chronic vitamin and iron deficiency due to dietary and nutritional factors that increase the risk of depression.
Treatment of Mental Health Problems.
Awareness of mental health problems has increased to a great extent. However, there are still many patients who do not receive professional treatment in a timely manner, and there are many reasons for this. First, the lack of relevant knowledge leads some people to think that although they are actually in a state where they are about to suffer from or have suffered from mental illness, such as being in a borderline state of suffering from depression, or having developed a depressive illness or even being on the verge of dying, they do not know that it is a disease and simply think that it is a problem of their own ability, that they are a joke or a burden to others, etc.; second, some people think that suffering from such illnesses will be Third, there is a lack of understanding and support from people around them, such as people who are aware of their problems, but their family or friends think that it is pretentious and therefore delay the diagnosis and treatment.
Improvement and Management of Mental Health Problems.
To sum up, it is not enough to rely on individual efforts alone to improve and manage individual mental health problems. It requires simultaneous efforts to improve and manage from three different dimensions: society, family and individual, and the results will be better.
1. social dimension :
- Elimination of discrimination :
To educate the public about mental health disorders and to eliminate discrimination against them. Due to genetic and acquired factors, the level of chemical substances or neurotransmitters in the brain may become unbalanced. This is when medication is needed to help bring the balance back to a state of equilibrium. This is the same as when a person has another illness that needs to be treated in a hospital.
– Understanding the manifestations:
Educate the community at a public level about the manifestations of mental health disorders, and identify mental health problems in yourself, your parents, children, wife, husband, siblings, or friends in time to seek help and medical attention. Some early mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, can be restored to a normal state without medication if they are detected, guided and treated properly.
2. Family dimension:
- Listening, caring, helping:
The family dimension plays a crucial role in the three dimensions. In modern society, people are generally stressed and some are psychologically fragile. Home is a warm harbor, whether adults, children or the elderly, outside the aggrieved, frustrated, too much pressure or depressed mood, if you can share with the family, confide in, get the family’s care, understanding and help, the suppressed emotions can be well released, for the mood recovery, as soon as possible from all kinds of bad, to rebuild confidence in life is essential, and not to eventually develop into mental health disorders.
- The elderly and children:
For groups that stay at home for long periods of time, such as the elderly and children, my advice is for family members to communicate with them more often, give them daily opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings with their families, and listen to them patiently. This will help to detect changes in their emotions in time to help and guide them to maintain an optimistic and positive state of mind. It is also necessary to help them establish their own hobbies and set daily “task goals” that need to be accomplished, for example, according to the hobbies of the elderly, they can write for 30 minutes a day, or play tai chi, or find them some books they like to read. The child can sing or dance for 30 minutes a day, or paint for 30 minutes, or tell a story for 30 minutes, or run for 30 minutes, and so on. The purpose of this is to give them something to do every day, so that they can experience a sense of accomplishment in the process of completing their daily tasks.
- Pregnant women and mothers:
For families with pregnant women and women in labor, it is important for the family to take special care of them. Pregnant women can suffer from mental anxiety due to changes in their body’s hormone levels; leaving their daily work environment; the nervousness of having to be a mother; and worrying about the development of their fetus and baby. Maternity can also lead to anxiety; lack of confidence; feeling bad about themselves; feeling confused or nervous due to hormonal changes; physical and mental stress from delivering the baby; and the manual means or surgery used during the birth. Also, postpartum physical fatigue, general weakness, poor sleep, which can show boredom to all people; fragile feelings, easily hurt and crying; fear, feelings of uncontrollable emotions or madness and emotional performance, etc. It is very important for family members to understand, encourage and care for pregnant women and mothers at this time. As family members should be prepared psychologically, the process will be long, family members should first do a good psychological construction for themselves, do not let the maternal pregnant women’s emotions affect them, family members take care of each other, and then work together to take care of pregnant women and maternity. Especially between the husband and wife to communicate more, more understanding of each other, together through the pregnancy and childbirth period.
3. personal dimension :
How can individuals properly manage their mental health?
- Find an outlet to ventilate:
My advice is that when you encounter something that you feel anxious or depressed about, you should admonish yourself that nothing else matters except your health, that there is nothing that cannot be solved, and that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. Everyone has their own outlets and ways to relax, and it’s important to find the right way for you. If you do not know how to relax, you can watch a comedy movie; about friends to sing, play ball; or go for a run, a body, sweat, then take a shower, sleep well. If you sleep well, you will feel better and you may feel that the things you couldn’t think of before are not a problem anymore.
- Find a solution:
If you feel that you really can not let go, do not think alone in the room, it is best to find family, friends, or colleagues you feel can give you constructive advice to talk about the next step to discuss how to do. If you can’t find the right people to talk to, find yourself a pen and a piece of paper and write it down, in the order of what happened, what you said and did in the incident, what made you anxious and how you feel about it now. If you find during the writing process that there are parts of the whole thing you do not understand, you can contact the relevant people to communicate about it. The more carefully you write, the more you can find the problem and find a way to solve it, and the more you can release the stress, so that you can return to a calm mood more quickly.
- Learn, communicate:
For pregnant women and mothers, my advice is to learn more about the physiological and psychological changes related to pregnancy and childbirth, to understand the impact that physical changes may have on your emotions, to prepare your mind fully, and to meet the arrival of your baby with a positive and optimistic attitude; to raise your baby. Also try to participate in community maternity activities, communicate more with everyone and keep an open mind to share your feelings with everyone. Stretch every morning, tell yourself that it’s a new day and that you want to be happy today; talk to your baby every day, even if your baby is in your belly, you can feel your happiness. In addition, daily walking and other light physical exercise will help smooth the birth and keep your mood happy.
In short, whether men and women, elderly children, or pregnant women, maternity, if you find yourself in a situation of emotional anxiety, insomnia, etc., and you can not resolve it yourself, you must communicate with your family in a timely manner, and seek the help of medical professionals if necessary.