Portrait of smiling people doing power fitness exercise at fitness studio
No one doubts that exercise has a positive effect on health, but when it comes to the underlying logic of exercise, the truth is that many people, even experts, still hold very old and outdated ideas, and the underlying logic itself is constantly being updated, so if you don’t pay attention to understand it, then you’re out!
One, exercise is the most important component of a healthy lifestyle, there is no one
Lifestyle is a stable way of life activities formed by people under certain socio-economic conditions, a healthy lifestyle is the fundamental guarantee to reduce disease and improve the quality of life, a healthy lifestyle includes active exercise, reasonable diet, quit smoking and drinking, adequate sleep, psychological balance, etc., of which exercise is the most important component of a healthy lifestyle, if the lack of exercise, even if you eat healthier, sleep If you lack exercise, even if you eat healthy, sleep well, do not smoke and do not drink, can not be called “active” lifestyle. Some people may say that some people can live a long life even if they take a rest, and indeed there are such cases, but the cases do not have the practical promotion and application value, which is like active people may also get cancer, but can not therefore negate the movement, people tend to look at things on a case-by-case basis, rather than the overall characteristics of the population and scientific perspective to look at things, which is a reflection of the lack of scientific literacy, improve public scientific literacy is still There is still a long way to go.
Second, the more exercise, the greater the health benefits
The World Health Organization, the American College of Sports Medicine, including our exercise guidelines, without exception, the unanimous view that 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise is the minimum amount of exercise to maintain health, while the more exercise, the greater the health benefits, so people should be encouraged to further increase the amount of exercise as much as possible on the basis of the minimum standard of exercise, the purpose is to bring more health benefits.
Third, the benefits of exercise far outweigh the risk of injury
Exercise brings a full range of health benefits, and the benefits of exercise far outweigh the risk of injury caused by exercise. Even if the amount of exercise increases, the benefits of exercise still outweigh the risk of injury. Some people will take the bull by the horns and say that the more you exercise, the greater the risk of injury. There are many reasons for sports injuries, and increasing the amount of exercise is only one of them, and there are many other reasons for sports injuries. Scientific and gradual increase in the amount of exercise will not lead to a significant increase in sports injuries.
Fourth, the more you exercise, the greater the health benefits, but the increase in the amount of benefits is decreasing
As mentioned above, the more exercise the greater the health benefits, but the relationship between the amount of exercise and health benefits is not linear, with further increases in the amount of exercise, health benefits are also increased, but the increase in health benefits may be reduced, in other words, let the lack of exercise people to start exercising, the health benefits they get, than those who have developed the habit of exercise to further increase the amount of exercise benefits to greater. Therefore, a country’s national fitness policy should first consider how to get those who never exercise to start exercising, so they can get the most health benefits from exercise, that is, people who lack exercise even a little bit, to improve the health of the whole society is also important.
Fifth, there is no minimum time limit for exercise, any fragmented exercise is good for health
Ten years ago, it was widely believed that exercise should last at least 10 minutes to achieve health benefits, but in the second edition of the 2018 U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines, this restriction was removed, which means that the latest evidence shows that there is no minimum time limit for exercise, and any fragmented exercise is beneficial to health, such as five minutes of radio exercise, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. These fragmented These fragmented exercises can still bring positive health value to people, that is to say, moving is stronger than not moving.
Six, the harm of sedentary can not be fully compensated by desperate exercise, but moving is stronger than not moving
Lack of exercise is not just a simple matter of poor health, lack of exercise can significantly increase the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and some types of cancer, lack of exercise has surpassed smoking and become the main lifestyle factor that endangers people’s health. And sedentary has become the main way of work and life, sedentary will naturally lead to a lack of exercise, the current view that the harm caused by continuous sedentary can not completely rely on a lot of exercise afterwards to make up for, so it is recommended that every hour of work is best to get up and move. We call sedentary people “couch potatoes”, while those who are usually sedentary, but also regular exercise called “active couch potatoes”, although exercise can not compensate for the harm of sedentary, but “active couch potatoes Potatoes” is always healthier than “couch potatoes”.
Seven, intensity is the core of exercise, 1 minute of high intensity is approximately equal to 2 minutes of low intensity exercise
Intensity multiplied by time is equal to the total amount of exercise. People can choose the right intensity of exercise according to their fitness level, as long as the total amount of exercise is enough to benefit health. From the point of view of exercise, 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise is equal to 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, that is, 1 minute of high intensity is approximately equal to 2 minutes of low intensity exercise, exercise intensity, exercise time can be shortened, and exercise intensity is low, you have to exercise a little more, such as walking is moderate intensity exercise, and running is high intensity exercise. Of course, the latest view that the same amount of exercise, the intensity of the activity to increase the level of medium to high intensity, for health will have a more positive impact, intensity is the core element of exercise, so people should participate in the case of higher intensity exercise within their reach.
Eight, aerobic and strength sports are the most basic sports that people should participate in
Aerobic exercise and strength exercise is the basic form of exercise, aerobic exercise and strength exercise for the health of different mechanisms, exercise effect is also different, the combination of the two, is the so-called cross-exercise or diversified exercise, and diversified exercise on the one hand can get a comprehensive health benefits, on the one hand can reduce the risk of injury, but also make exercise more fun. Therefore, it is recommended that people ensure at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week, it is also advisable to perform strength exercise twice a week. The West emphasizes deconstruction and therefore divides exercise into aerobic and strength exercise, while the East emphasizes integration, and Eastern sports such as yoga and tai chi have a strong integration, they have both the characteristics of aerobic exercise and strength exercise. In addition to aerobic and strength exercises, it is recommended that people also perform stretching exercises, for example, at the end of the exercise.
Nine, for the general public generally do not need to exercise before the medical examination to ensure the so-called “safe exercise”
In the past, before the implementation of exercise prescriptions, people were often advised to undergo the necessary health checks to ensure safe exercise, but in recent years, it is believed that such medical examinations do not have any practical value, but rather confuse people and reduce people’s motivation to participate in sports. Therefore, it is now believed that the general public who are basically healthy do not need to undergo a medical examination before exercise to ensure the so-called “safe exercise”, at any time, as long as you want to exercise you can start to exercise, as long as the gradual progress. Of course, the denial of health experience before exercise is not to say that health check-ups are not important, for high-risk groups, such as those suffering from chronic diseases, the necessary medical examination to check the risk of exercise, to determine the intensity of exercise is still valuable.
Ten, exercise is good medicine, no time is too late to start exercise and lifelong
This point must be agreed, exercise is extremely important for children and adolescents, adults, the elderly, no time is too late to start exercising, as long as you want to exercise, while the health value of exercise does not have long-term maintenance, once you stop exercising, the health benefits from exercise will gradually decline until it disappears, so in order to lifelong health, people need to exercise for life. Exercise not only promotes health, but also effectively prevents and treats disease and promotes recovery from disease. Exercise is the high summary of good medicine for for exercise.
Exercise should be logical, and the correct underlying logic allows us to have the basic correct knowledge and judgment of exercise, so that we can start with the correct concept to guide their own exercise, exercise is good for health, exercise is good medicine!