Spiritual mental health, a term that is both familiar and unfamiliar to us. With the accelerated pace of life, many people suffer from mental problems, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurasthenia, psychological disorders and so on.
At present, because the knowledge of mental mental health is not popular enough, many people do not know enough about mental mental illnesses, are not willing to admit that they have mental mental illnesses, think that mental mental illnesses are not considered diseases, resulting in many patients are ashamed of treatment, so the best treatment period for mental mental illnesses is delayed, and the final result may be to turn small problems into big problems.
- Maybe you are an introvert, not a good speaker, but socially fearful ……
- Maybe you are just an average working person but are depressed about the stress of going to work ……
- Maybe you have a harmonious family but are anxious about your job and future development ……
- Maybe you are just a teenager but suffering from parental confrontation, academic anxiety, social confusion, etc. ……
- Maybe you are just an adult, but you have psychological disorders due to work, emotional, family, parent-child issues ……
- These many problems are draining our minds!
In fact, even a sound-minded person cannot be free of psychological problems, only the degree of severity is different. Abnormal psychological problems such as isolation, irritability, stubbornness, rashness, low self-esteem, anxiety, paranoia, jealousy, etc., can be seen everywhere in people’s daily life.
However, not all psychosomatic problems are diseases. Only professional psychiatrists, after excluding organic disease problems, can diagnose psychosomatic diseases, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, psychotic disorders and psychological disorders, strictly according to disease diagnostic criteria.
For example, if you do not deal with someone, are listless at work every day, and get angry when you think of this person from time to time, such a situation belongs to a general psychological problem, but not to a psychological disease.
Patients with psychosomatic disorders are suffering from different degrees of impairment in mental activities such as cognition, emotion, will and behavior due to brain dysfunction.
They mainly include insomnia, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mania, bipolar disorder, phobias, psychological disorders, and other disorders. In fact, it is only patients with severe mental illness that produce impulsive and aggressive behavior, or ‘madness’ as the common people call it.
Why should we care about mental mental health?
01. High prevalence
The overall prevalence of adult mental disorders in China is 16.6%, while it is even higher in developed countries. In today’s material life improvement, and the increasing mental pressure, the incidence of psychiatric diseases obviously has a tendency to increase, people should also pay more attention to psychiatric mental health.
02. Heavy burden of disease
Most mental illnesses are chronic, long-lasting, difficult to cure, and difficult to treat, causing serious health and economic burdens to patients, caregivers, families and society as a whole.
In fact, mental illness is one of the most serious disease burdens in the world, and according to international surveys, the burden of disease caused by depression is already the first among chronic diseases. WHO estimates that about 800,000 people die by suicide each year. Mental disorders are also the second leading cause of loss of healthy life expectancy due to disability in China.
03. Low treatment rates
About three-quarters of people with serious mental illness do not receive any treatment. In China, less than 6% of people with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, dementia, and epilepsy have sought treatment.
04. A strong “stigma”
Patients with psychiatric disorders often have a strong sense of “shame” and consider it a “disgrace” to have such disorders, which leads them to carry it rather than reveal it to outsiders.
And this “sense of shame” and the social “stigma” of mental illness is not unrelated to some of the discrimination and prejudice of the public, more so this group dare not take the step, the courage to accept treatment.
What can we do?
1. Pay more attention to mental health
Through simple disease science, that can help us to face the reality and get rid of the misunderstanding of psychosomatic diseases. Let us be aware of potential psychological problems around us as early as possible, so that we can better help ourselves and others.
2. Seek professional help
If you find the possibility of psychiatric disorders, be sure to go to a regular institution hospital, receive professional examination, clearly diagnose the cause of the disease, receive scientific standardized treatment, to listen to the guidance of professional physicians, do not use drugs arbitrarily.
3. face mental illness patients with a normal heart
The vast majority of mental illnesses can be alleviated or even eliminated through standardized treatment, and normal work and study can be carried out to restore normal social functions. Face the disease with a normal heart, maintain a positive attitude, and face life bravely; reduce discrimination against mental patients to support patients to better return to society.