Sport and fitness has never been more consciously, enthusiastically and consistently sought after by the masses than in this day and age. Whether it’s runners on the side of the road or on the athletic field, or members of a gym or yoga studio, the purpose of exercise may not be exactly the same, but the ultimate goal is exactly the same: to get healthy. So, how to exercise is the best? What is the best exercise for most people? To maximize the health benefits?
1.The best exercise patterns identified by two leading international health organizations are identical
There are two major international authorities on the topic of exercise and health: the World Health
Organization (WHO), and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and is the largest international intergovernmental health organization whose mission is to achieve the highest possible level of health for people around the world.
The American College of Sports Medicine, founded in 1954, is the world’s largest and most respected authority on sports medicine and scientific exercise, and “Exercise is medicine!
These two organizations are in complete agreement on what is the best exercise pattern: it is recommended that people accumulate 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise) per week for health, and at the same time, strength training twice a week, which means that aerobic exercise combined with strength training is the perfect combination of exercise to help you get the most health benefits.
The so-called aerobic exercise and whether there is no half-assed relationship between oxygen, aerobic exercise is the whole body large muscle involvement, low to medium intensity sustained exercise, walking, running, cycling, swimming, square dance and other sports are very typical aerobic exercise. Strength training is certainly easier for the public to understand, against their own body weight, or the use of weight equipment for muscle exercises is strength training, and is commonly known as jerking iron.
2.Aerobic exercise improves cardiorespiratory endurance and is the foundation for achieving long-term health
In 2016 the American Heart Association issued an authoritative statement that it is entirely necessary to consider aerobic capacity as one of the basic vital signs of a person. In this report literature states that the indicator of aerobic capacity (VO2max) is more accurate than smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes in predicting death caused by disease. In other words, we used to think that smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia are factors that tend to cause death, but in fact poorer aerobic capacity is a better predictor of disease and death compared to the above factors. This means that by improving aerobic capacity through exercise, you can very well improve your health and achieve a high quality of life.
When we run, the breathing deepens and accelerates, the lung function is effectively exercised, the heart also contracts and strengthens at this time, the heartbeat accelerates, the heart and lung function is enhanced in this “more work, more gain”; when running, the heart regulation ability is improved, the heartbeat should be fast, the slow is slow, therefore, the quiet heartbeat of regular runners is usually lower; when running, the heart and muscle capillaries are promoted. Promote the heart and muscle capillary density increase, the heart and muscle can more fully use oxygen, the human aerobic exercise ability is constantly improved. Therefore, people who love aerobic exercise, such as runners, they are the most vibrant group of people with vital signs.
3.150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise is enough for health benefits
How much aerobic exercise is enough for good health? Accumulate 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity per week. What is moderate intensity exercise, the explanation is very simple, exercise when the heart rate breathing heart rate accelerated, the body sweating, but can speak freely, then what is large intensity exercise? Exercise when the heart rate respiration significantly accelerated, the body sweats a lot, but can not speak freely. Against this standard, walking or brisk walking is usually moderate intensity exercise, jogging or running is large intensity exercise.
Moderate intensity exercise corresponds to a heart rate range of 64-76% of maximum heart rate, while high intensity exercise corresponds to a heart rate range of more than 76% of maximum heart rate. We can clearly find that the time required for medium-intensity exercise is double that of high-intensity exercise, and there is a 2:1 conversion formula between medium-intensity and high-intensity exercise, which means that the exercise effect of two minutes of medium-intensity exercise is approximately equal to one minute of high-intensity exercise.
Therefore, with reference to this standard, 5 times a week, each time 30 minutes of medium-intensity exercise, or 3 times a week, each time 25 minutes of high-intensity exercise is enough. For people who use running as a way of fitness, running 3 times a week, 25 minutes each time, almost 3-4 km or so, a week to accumulate 10-12 km of running is enough to bring health. For many runners, this amount of running is simply hairy, once, yes! The more you exercise, the greater the health benefits. If you can achieve 300 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week, or accumulate 150 minutes of high intensity aerobic exercise per week, equivalent to 20-25 km of weekly running, 80-100 km of monthly running is certainly better.
4. in addition to aerobic exercise, strength training is also indispensable
Whether it is dumbbells, barbells, or self-weights, equipment, elastic bands, can be called strength training. The purpose of strength training is to improve muscle strength, so that you become stronger. Studies have shown that after the age of 30, the body loses 2.7kg of muscle every 10 years, the loss of muscle will also lead to a decline in strength, a decline in basal metabolic rate, men’s bodies gradually gain weight after the age of 40 and this also has a certain relationship. A British study found that after four months of regular muscle strength training, each subject lost an average of 2.7kg of fat and gained 1.35kg of muscle. Therefore, strength training is also a great tool for weight loss and shaping. Regular strength training not only slows muscle loss, but also protects the joints to a certain extent. Strength training maximizes the muscles around the joints, increases joint stability, reduces the risk of injury, and largely prevents the onset of osteoporosis. A study of strength training in the elderly said that lower limb strength training can improve the absorption of calcium in the bones, thereby slowing the decline in bone density during aging and reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in the elderly.
5.How should strength training be carried out?
It is rather unfortunate that neither the World Health Organization, nor the American College of Sports Medicine, unlike aerobic exercise, does not have particularly clear rules about the amount and intensity of strength. Generally speaking, these 2 muscle strength training should include the participation of the main large muscle groups of the whole body, such as the pectoral muscles, back muscles, shoulder muscles, upper limb muscles, buttocks, thighs, calves and other muscles, each muscle strength training is recommended to choose 6-8 movements, each movement for 8-12 times, for 2 -You can choose to train your upper body and waist and abdomen once and your lower body and waist and abdomen once, for about half an hour. Interspersing strength training with cardio throughout the week is the most recommended and least likely to lead to injury exercise schedule.
6.the combination of aerobic and strength exercise mode to maximize health benefits
If strength training makes the bones stronger, the muscles fuller, the whole person looks with clothes thin, undressed with meat external image, then aerobic exercise is to exercise the heart and lung function, so that the internal work more profound. Both inside and outside the body to make the body better health. So aerobic exercise + strength exercise exercise mode is more helpful and people get healthy.
7.aerobic exercise and strength training can not replace each other
Love running does not like strength training, like to jerk iron is afraid to practice cardio muscle, these two types of people seem to die of old age. Do more cardio can replace strength training? After doing more strength training you can not do cardio? Unfortunately, this is not possible, both the World Health Organization, or the American College of Sports Medicine, have stressed that aerobic exercise and strength training are equally important, can not replace each other, as mentioned above aerobic exercise to stimulate more cardio; strength training to make the muscles more powerful, stronger bones, the two benefits to the body is different dimensions, so the two 1 + 1 > 2, the absence of any kind of exercise The body’s ability to do certain things will be affected. But aerobic exercise medium intensity and high intensity can be converted in accordance with the relationship of 2:1, that is, 75 minutes of high intensity exercise is equal to 150 minutes of low intensity exercise, so there is no running and other high intensity aerobic exercise experience of the population, you can first use brisk walking and other low intensity aerobic exercise to start exercising, time doubled.
A martial arts master, in addition to the practice of profound internal martial arts techniques, but also have a severe move action, in order to be located in the martial arts at the top of the master. The same healthy physical state, also need deep internal strength – aerobic capacity, but also to have a strong action – muscle strength, in order to work and study under pressure, but still maintain good health, enjoy life. So aerobic exercise + strength exercise is the best exercise mode for the masses.