In one’s daily life, food is not only an important source of energy in general, but it is also related to everyone’s health. Food health is also a matter of concern for the whole society. And unhealthy eating behavior is tantamount to chronic overdraft health.
1. unreasonable diet accelerates the aging of the human body affects many factors, including disease, nutrition, exercise, social pressure, mental and emotional, environmental and climate, etc., but, as the saying goes, “the old from the mouth”, unreasonable diet will make the nutritional imbalance, which affects the body’s internal environment, disrupting the biological metabolic process in the body, accelerating the aging of the body.
2. unreasonable diet invites diseases common diseases and diseases of the elderly, often in the prime of life has begun, to middle age, due to the gradual aging of the body, degeneration, the physiological function of the tissues and organs, metabolic function is reduced, especially the gastrointestinal tract digestive function is weakened. If the diet is not reasonable, it will make the body metabolism is affected, so that the body nutrition is out of balance. Excessive nutrition can lead to cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes. Therefore, we should pay attention to a reasonable diet and balanced nutrition during the young and strong years.
3. Irrational diet increases the probability of cancer The occurrence of many cancers is closely related to environmental factors, and diet is the aspect that has the closest contact with the external environment, therefore, food and cancer occurrence are closely related. A lot of experiments have shown that long-term unreasonable diet is the most direct factor leading to cancer. Stomach cancer, esophageal cancer and cervical cancer are related to vitamin A deficiency; esophageal cancer and stomach cancer are related to vitamin C deficiency; esophageal cancer is related to long-term iron deficiency anemia; thyroid cancer is related to iodine deficiency in food; liver cancer is related to vitamin B6 deficiency. Excessive alcohol consumption not only leads to liver cirrhosis, but also can cause liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, etc. If alcohol is consumed and smoked, it will also increase the incidence of laryngeal cancer, oral cancer and lung cancer. Therefore, reasonable adjustment of dietary structure and balanced nutrition have positive significance to prevent and fight against cancer. No matter how busy our life is, we should ensure a healthy diet, which is the most responsible for our body.
With a healthy body, we can cope with the many changes in life. Moreover, it is a good way to regulate our body functions through food!
4.Many people demand too fine imported foods such as rice and noodles for the sake of smooth and soft taste, and even mixed grains such as cornmeal are made to be refined and fine, resulting in not only the loss of a large amount of vitamin B, but also the insufficient intake of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can not only avoid constipation and promote the excretion of toxins, but also reduce the absorption of cholesterol and carcinogenic substances, thus reducing the occurrence of coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer and other diseases. Therefore, in order to our health, rice, noodles and other should not be too fine pursuit, should often eat some whole wheat flour and general brown rice, and should also increase the intake of corn, beans, potatoes and other mixed grains.
5.Many people like to eat pickled vegetables, fish and meat, which is not good for health. In the past, people often eat pickled food, mainly because the standard of living is not high, especially in winter fresh vegetables are less, people have to use the pickling method to winter vegetables and fish, meat storage to get rid of the dilemma of no food to eat in winter, over time, many people will form the habit of eating pickled food. But because often eat pickled food, not only salt eating more, not good for health, and pickled food often contains a large number of carcinogenic substances such as nitrite, easy to induce esophageal cancer, stomach cancer and other cancers. Now the conditions are good, all kinds of fresh vegetables in winter, fish and meat are very rich, so should try to eat more fresh food, eat less pickled food is good.
6.Many modern young people often do not eat breakfast, or eat breakfast is too simple and cope, which is extremely detrimental to health. Because do not eat breakfast to ten o’clock, is bound to feel hungry, resulting in low blood sugar, light dizziness, fatigue and tiredness, affecting work and study, serious hypoglycemia will also cause hypoglycemic shock, and even induce car accidents and other occurrences. Therefore, hypoglycemia and drunkenness are equally dangerous. Some people do not eat breakfast is to lose weight, this understanding is also extremely wrong. Studies have shown that 8 to 11 a.m. metabolism is the most vigorous, so the nutrition of breakfast will be consumed and will not accumulate. If you do not eat breakfast, Chinese food and dinner is bound to eat more, nutrition can not be consumed and use, the accumulation is more likely to cause obesity. In addition, not eating breakfast can easily lead to premature aging, inducing gastritis, gallstones, etc., laying hidden dangers to health.